ME-O, Ocean Fish, Dry Kitten Food

Size: 6.8 kg
Sale price₹ 1,850.00

Tax included | COD available | Free shipping on orders above ₹499.


  • Complete and balanced nutrition for cats
  • Taurine is an amino acid that is essential for the proper functioning of the eyes and to improve the cat's eyesight
  • Vitamin C boots cat's immune system and helps reduce the detrimental effects of stress on your cat's health
  • Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D help strengthen teeth and bones
  • This Formula was developed to help prevent the risk of FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease)
Me-O Cat Food is optimally balanced and nutritionally complete cat food with high palatability and digestibility. The delicious, nutritious, and crunchy nature of Me-O Cat Food makes your beloved feline fall for it right from the very first bite. Just be sure you always have a bowl of clean drinking water nearby for your loving pet.

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