Summer is here. Take care of you pets.

Summer can be harsh on your pets as the scorching heat can take a toll on your them internally and externally.  Summer can exhaust and drain out the pet(s) in their effort to keep their body cool and beat the heat; hence a few precautions can surely be better than the cure itself..

Common Summer Challenges





Low content of water in your pet’s body

Vomiting, diarrhoea, refusing to eat or drink, fever

Heat Stroke

Exposure to severe heat 

Excessive panting, vomiting, dry gums and nose

Fleas and ticks


Outdoor areas with grass and plants around or damp areas

Visible infestation on the pet’s body



Seasonal changes can cause the allergy

Itchy skin and issues with their coat

Lyme disease


Transmitted by ticks

Lameness due to inflammation of the joints, loss of appetite and lethargy


  • Tips for Summer care
    • Keep your pets indoors and in cool locations.
    • Provide clean and fresh water multiple times in a day. Few ice cubes can lure the pet to drink more water.
    • Avoid leaving their food out for long hours as summer’s can accelerate bacterial growth in food and cause unwanted trouble.
    • Plan the walks at early hours in the morning and late evenings after sunset.
    • Walking on hot concrete during the heat can cause cracks on the pet’s paws, hence keep a close check on the paws for cuts and bruises in case you have walked your pet in the heat unavoidably!
    • Check your pet’s coat regularly for ticks and fleas.
    • Do not shave your pet. Hair coat protects the pet and also increases the overall temperature of the pet. Haircut/trimming can cool the pet’s body considerably and prevent ticks and pests from hiding in it.
    • Tick preventing sprays, oils and collars can prevent the ticks from latching on to your pet.
    • Spa sessions can rejuvenate and refresh your pet(s) and also keep them clean and fresh.
    • As frequent bathing in pets is not recommended you can wipe your pet with a wet sponge in the day.
    • Brushing your pet’s hair regularly, applying pest protection powder can keep the coat healthy and free from infections.
    • Take them for cool dips occasionally. Nowadays there are pet parks with pool facilities which can be availed. Swimming will not just cool them down but also provide the required exercise for their limbs
    • Pugs and Persian cats need extra care in summers due to the flat face structure

    As pet parents it is just the right information that can help us manage our pets in the most appropriate manner. Pet owner attention and intervention at the right point of time can stop a health problem well in advance. 

    Some Summer Foods which can help your pet………

    The key to summer nutrition is the water content in the food. 

    Watermelon and cucumber are high in water content and can be great summer foods for pets.

    Buttermilk can be given as a summer drink provided the pet is not lactose intolerant.. also do not add anything to enhance the taste.

    DIY Popsicles:

    Freeze chicken soup in ice cube trays and give your pet frozen soup cubes.

    Canned food can be frozen with biscuits as handles and given on days when your pet refuses to eat his/ her normal food. 

    Make sure you are not compromising on your pet’s nutrition while you pamper it with FROZEN or COLD treats in the summer’s..

    Watch out but don’t panic…

    • Eating Less

    Your pet will naturally limit their food intake in summers however keeping the pet hydrated is all you need to do, do not force feed.

    • Limited Physical Activity

    Your otherwise active and fit pet might seem lazier and less active, however you need to know they are using their energy in trying to cool themselves and a reduced physical activity is a normal trait in summers.

    • Hair Shedding

    Your pet is naturally losing its winter coat and preparing for the change in temperature so hair shedding will just help it in all ways and is an absolutely natural process. Using a hair shedding comb removes the dead hair which is superficially present on the pet’s coat and prevents hair fall around the house.

    Parting thoughts

    Pet parents need to be a little more watchful of their fur balls in the harsh summers and make the necessary changes in the pet’s surroundings and routine to make their baby feel as comfortable as possible.  You need to visit your vet immediately for any serious signs and indications given by your pet. 



    The author has been a pet parent for over 30 years. The above guidelines are based mainly on personal experiences & loosely based on excerpts from experts. The above content is for reference only. Incase your pet is pregnant, nursing or having any health conditions, please consult a vet who would be the best person to guide you accordingly.

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