Should your dog eat the same food as you?
It could be difficult to resist when your dog starts pleading for food off your dinner plate. However, do you know that feeding dogs some of the human food might be harmful?

Should Dogs Consume Human Food?
Instead of asking if your dog can eat leftovers, you should ask if it's healthy for him to do so. Here are a few reasons NOT to give your dog food from your plate.

1. It Might Lead to Digestive Issues
The digestive system of a dog differs from that of a human. Human food is far too rich and fatty for a dog to digest. Eating it can result in vomiting, diarrhea, and even more serious conditions such as pancreatitis. Many human foods are high in sodium, which is bad for dogs.

2. Some human foods are toxic to dogs.
Human food frequently contains toxic ingredients for dogs. Dogs should avoid eating chocolate, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, almonds, onions, and garlic. If you don't know what's in the restaurant leftovers you brought home, feeding a spoonful to your dog could unintentionally harm them. Many processed foods contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which are toxic to pets.

3. It promotes undesirable behavior.
Another issue with table food for dogs is that it encourages begging. While you may think it's adorable, your dinner guests may not appreciate your dog hovering over their plates. Your dog may also decide that because they are fed at the table, it is acceptable to take a bite (or more) of food that is sitting on the table or kitchen counter. When their stomachs are full of human food, some dogs may refuse to eat their food.

4. It may result in weight gain.
Dogs who are fed at dinner table also eat regular daily meals. While you may believe that a few bites here and there will not cause your dog to gain weight, you may be surprised. Small bites can quickly add to weight gain, leading to a slew of health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. Treats or other human foods should never account for more than 10% of your dog's daily caloric intake in order to maintain healthy weight.
DogDog foodDog healthHuman food

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